FHCA Groups.io Email Group

Join the Fox Hills Groups.io List!

Click on the link below or send an email to the subscribe address to join Fox Hills’ Groups.io email list. If you have a concern about the neighborhood or suggestions, please use this forum to share it instantly with your neighbors. Looking for a babysitter? Want to recommend a contractor? Having a garage sale? Post it on the list serve.


Post:                     FoxHills@groups.io

Subscribe:           FoxHills+subscribe@groups.io

Unsubscribe:      FoxHills+unsubscribe@groups.io

Help:                    FoxHills+help@groups.io

Please note that new subscribers will receive an automated email response asking for your street address – you must reply to be confirmed.  The group is only open to current owners or renters in Fox Hills.

We recommend you create a Groups.io account so you can access the archives and settings for your subscription.  This is not required, however, to join the email list.   The Fox Hills Civic Association maintains this service for the neighborhood and pays the monthly Groups.io subscription from dues revenue so your annual membership renewal in the FHCA is appreciated!